Sep 15Liked by Mark Alexander

Glad you are taking steps to get out there!

I have a similar tale. Difficult meeting folks (newer in town here). For one, there's a kind of divisive self-censorship that's been formed since 2020. "Did they, or didn't they?" The answer right away either draws me closer or turns me away. smh

And I don't know about you, but I have concerns about shedding. Insane!


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I do wonder about shedding. Some Substackers (I think Midwestern Doctor was one) have written about this. I haven't noticed a problem being close to vaxed people, but others have.

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Sep 16Liked by Mark Alexander

I noticed "hermit" In your piece and also, agnostic.

I'm a born again Christian and guess I could consider myself a "nun" that tries to get out now and then. lol

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I should add that I respect your decision to become a believer. I tried for years to follow my first wife down that path: C.S. Lewis (great writer!), Cursillo, Bible study, etc. It just didn't work for me. The story of God sending a bear to kill the 42 kids who teased Elisha kinda pushed me over the edge.

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Sep 16Liked by Mark Alexander

I called myself an agnostic, was a feminist (not militant), but "followed" the basics.

Re: being born again,

Imho I believe it was a supernatural thing, not so much a decision. Mid-30's.

Born again. EVERYTHING seemed different! Before that I was like a vampire to garlic hearing about Christianity. Def

a change in me. Love CS Lewis. Idk bear story (??)

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

The she-bear story is 2 Kings 2:23. Text from Sceptic's Annotated Bible is here: https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/dwb/gen.html?k=96

When we read that in Bible class, I was appalled, and never came back. But it's just the tip of the iceberg.

I recently reread Lewis's space trilogy for the first time since I was a teen. My experience was very different this time, 50 years later. As a teen, I didn't like That Hideous Strength and didn't understand it. This time, I thought it was the best of the three books: it was funny and satirical. Perelandra, which I loved as a teen, I found tedious and overly solemn at the end.

I need to find Till We Have Faces. I think it's his best book but I haven't read it in a really long time.

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Argh. I can't seem to edit this comment. The passage about the she-bears is actually 2 Kings 2:23.

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It's crazy I've never heard/read that. lol

May take a peek w/ your info below.

I've always focused on the new testament.

My children (and I) read and have watched the Chronicles of Narnia, no more than that of his. But I also have read and watched his book made into a movie where later in life at 58 he marries an American --- Joy Davidman (sp?)

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When I fell away from the Church the second time, in my late 30s, I started calling myself a Born-Again Agnostic.

The Episcopalians do have the best music -- pipe organs and Bach.

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Born-Again Agnostic. lol

I was raised in the Orthodox church. Looking back, I like their hymns, organ music, but not their "religion". I fell away during college as I questioned things.

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I believe it was covered in Pfizers literature early on.... Some I know take oodles of "remedies to thwart what could be. For the most part, I tend to stay far. ;(

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