Mark, I love this jokey piece, but even this doesn't plumb the depths of how bad it really is.

I just listened to a segment on 21st-Century Wire with the father of a young woman who was clearly killed by a hospital eager to cash in on the many layers of "covid-protocol" federal cash. Her particular case aside, it was commented by the host that the feds were turning the normal quota of yearly deaths of the usual suspects (elderly and extremely sick who were going to die anyway) into a private windfall for hospitals and pharma, by labeling all these deaths "covid", and handing out money-printed bonuses not only for positive tests and "cases", but extending beyond the lives of the erstwhile patients into gov. subsidies for *funerals*! The host noted that we are all paying the price for this predatory semantic game via inflation.


Core of the father's story starts at about 33min.

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